“Our Forever Moment”

Music Press Kit

Play song, read lyrics, and more


  • Length - 02:58

  • ReleaseD - 12/24/2023

  • Mood - Happy, meditative

  • Genres - Holiday Music / Choral / Ethereal / Lullaby

Sounds of Blackness and St. Olaf Choir alumni members, Elwyn & Lynnette Fraser, empowers all to bring the warm self-care and timeless benevolence of our shared holiday season to every heart in need. In carol and lullaby fashion, Elwyn & Lynnette care to help musically open all hearts to transcending beauty and transformative love! Radio and community interest will help share “Our Forever Moment”.

With Elwyn’s male voice, Lynnette’s female voice, Dolby Atmos, Pro Tools, Audacity, DaVinci Resolve, Blue Yeti mic, and Lumix S5 camera, Elwyn carefully weaves over 50 individual vocal tracks into a 4D immersive a cappella tapestry and an intimate visual narrative beside a holiday-decorated fireplace. Smooth melodies and striking harmonies are paired with warm accessible imagery - calling us to live this season's blessings for all year round.